About Us

About us? How bout... About me? Yup... it's just me :)
Working full time for an online retailer has granted me the ambition to do something on my own and the support from family and friends has brought me to the point of not only loving my creativity but believing in myself enough to do something about it.

Since I was a little girl, I was always putting things together and creating something artistic. The talent came in handy for school, work and relationships including family, friendship and love. It always was, is and will always be a passion I enjoy.

Exploring different techniques, materials and components has given me the ability to put things together in a beautiful way. While I'd love to be able to provide each item in mass quantities, I like to keep things limited to allow people to have somewhat of a one of a kind item. Each item I make to sell is either truly one of a kind or limited in it's quantity of no more than 25 each. Gotta love something that's rare because it's that much more valuable.


Growing up, I didn't dress like everyone else or behave like everyone else... maybe even at a young age I found it boring...
I guess I just never really saw the point of having what everyone else had and I didn't really find the pleasure in saying "HEY! I have that too" but rather I enjoyed others saying "WOW! Where did you get that from?"

Now, I'm hoping to share a little of me in each of the items I make. Investing the money is a risk, investing the time effects the social life but investing my heart into something I can truly love and smile at and know others can enjoy... is worth it!

I've always been a fan of taking something and making it my own and I hope to share what I can with all of you. Your support is greatly appreciated.
